Dafür braucht es aber nicht nur zusätzliche Mobilitätsangebote (öffentlicher und privater Anbieter), sondern auch die richtigen Leitbilder in der Planung („Stadt der kurzen Wege“), eine stärkere Priorisierung des Umweltverbunds und einen reflektierten Umgang mit dem Thema Parkraum.
Technische und soziale Innovationen, wie beispielsweise die im Projekt untersuchten On-Demand-Shuttles oder digital-gestützte Planungstools, stellen wichtige Lösungsbaus...
The recommendations can be seen as entry points for urban policy makers, practitioners, property developers, mobility planners, transport service providers, the research community and all other urban actors. Shared mobility- and on-demand services have the potential to increase the attractiveness of eco-mobility, improve last mile sustainability and reduce dependency on motorised private transport.
(source: tbw research, 2021)
With a user-centred in...
How can dilemmas revealed by the OptiMaaS-Team contribute to sustainable urban development and mobility?
At the Urban Lunch Talk #18 of JPI Urban Europe - Angela Muth presents the project #OptiMaaS and discusses on the topic: The 15 Minutes City - Do's, Don'ts and Dilemmas!
Register here
A diverse European group of experts discussed the integrated insights generated in the OptiMaaS project. In our final international expert panel (IEP), we zoomed into different layers of mobility as a service.
OptiMaaS integrates the user’s perspective as well as urban planning, policies and financing models, IT-development on diverse simulations and app-prototypes. Impulse presentations on the main insights were the input for debates during our breako...
We would like to invite you to participate in our 5th and final International Expert Panel. Please register here to our zoom-conference.
In which ways does MaaS interweave with mobility stations, on-demand services, policy processes, urban planning, simulations and financing models? What are users really interested in?
On the 19th of February from 9-12am, we will answer those questions and present insights from our research project OptiMaaS. Top...
Nehmen Sie an unserer On Demand Mobilitätsbefragung teil!
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „OptiMaaS“ möchten wir erfahren was Ihre Meinung zu nachfrageorientierter Mobilität ist.
Mit unserem Forschungsprojekt möchten wir Mobilität an den städtischen Randgebieten fördern. Eines der Konzepte aus dem Angebot sind On Demand Shuttles, bei diesen besteht die Möglichkeit eine Fahrt mit anderen Mitfahrenden zu teilen. Um dies zu erreichen sind nun Sie gef...
What is the key to establish Mobility as a Service in urban non-core areas? How can the often announced mobility transition become reality? Join our questionnaire and share your expertise!
We are looking forward to your answers on some of our findings about fostering the implementation of MaaS in urban non-core areas. If you are an expert in the fields of mobility, transport policies, urban development, urban planning, mobility operations or similar yo...
Test persons created an on-demand mobility service app meeting their expectations.
After productive Co Creation Labs (CC-Lab) in Vienna and Kapfenberg another one was planned to take place in Salzburg in April. Due to the pandemic it has been postponed to August and successfully completed, under Austria’s Covid-19 measures. Six test persons from a wide range of age defined a user experience for an on-demand service application, for three different scen...
We learn from users, from different target groups and urban non-core areas, how on-demand service Apps can make a difference in real life situations.
Another OptiMaaS-Lab has started in Vienna, the Usability and Acceptance Lab (UA-L). Diverse (age, family status, sex, gender, education) future users are testing the prototype designed by other users within our Co Creation Design Lab (CC-L).
Focusing on our target group, we are working with the method...
Pilot testing of mobility bundles and pricing models integrating public transportation and shared vehicles
Since June 2020 Inhabitants of the housing project “Wohnen an den Blumenwegen” as well as neighbours are able to test two new mobility packages combining e-mobility sharing services with public transport tickets.
Within the OptiMaaS Integrated Mobilty Lab project partners are testing new business strategies and pricing models for the integratio...